DIY Lunch Box Ideas That Your Kids Will Love

Sweat Treats

Whether your kids are returning to school after their holidays or they are halfway through the school semester, you need to plan healthy and tasty packed snacks and lunches for them. Nonetheless, coming up with healthy lunch box ideas for your kids can be a challenge. Here are some simple lunch box ideas for kids.

kids lunch box ideas

1. Food on Sticks

Kids love snacks and meals that are not only tasty and healthy but also look interesting. One of the simplest lunch box ideas that you should try out is using small wooden skewers to pack your kids’ lunch.

The young ones can eat these packed meals like a sandwich or even pull them apart, one piece after another. This lunch box idea works best with cucumbers, yoghurt-covered pretzels, and sliced mango.

Bacon and Tomato Muffins

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2. Bacon and Tomato Muffins

You cannot talk about kids lunch box ideas without mentioning bacon and tomato muffins. Your kids will love it when you include muffins in their packed lunches. Packing muffins for them feels like a treat. With muffins, you can sort out several lunches for your kids’ school week in one go.

Bacon and tomato muffin recipes are not only colourful but also easy to prepare. Similarly, you can replace the bacon with crumbled feta. Regardless of what you pack alongside the muffin, your kids will enjoy their asked lunch.

Sweat Treats

3. Sweat Treats

Kids spend most of their school day either in class or playing. They spend a lot of energy, which needs to get replenished. Most kids love having a sweet treat. Even so, you don’t want your kids munching on biscuits or chocolate bars every day.

To satisfy their sweet cravings, you should include bananas, chopped melon, watermelon, or grapes in their lunch boxes. Dried fruit can also be an option. Nevertheless, it contains more concentrated sugar than fresh fruit. If you include dried fruit in your kids’ lunch boxes, you should do so in limited amounts.

Spring Rolls

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4. Spring Rolls

Large lettuce leaves or rice paper wrappers make amazing rolled-up meals that are delicious and fun to munch. Fill them with shrimp, pork, or tofu. You can even let your kids try out their ideas. Spring rolls can be packed with cubed cheese or meat, and sliced red bell pepper.

Deli Meat Roll-Ups

5. Deli Meat Roll-Ups

If you are one of those busy mums who tend to get time-barred whenever they prepare lunch for their kids, you should consider packing deli meat roll-ups for them. Rolling sliced ham, deli turkey, or roast beef around cream cheese, cheese sticks, or greens can change your kids’ perception towards lunchtime meat.

Deli meat roll-ups can be packed with celery, whole-wheat pretzels, coconut macaroon, or cinnamon-sprinkled apple slices. With a lunch box containing these healthy treats, your kids will stay full and energised all day long.

Packing lunchtime meals for kids whenever they go to school or camping can be cumbersome. Kids can be quite predictable when it comes to their food preferences, and therefore, knowing what they prefer can be difficult sometimes. Even as you implement these lunch box ideas, you need to ensure that every meal that you pack for them contains their favourite treats.

When packing lunch for kids, it is good practice to plan early so that you have everything that is needed. Besides this, it is advisable to have differently-sized containers so that you separate salads, crackers, veggies, and dips.

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